Mukras, S., Kim, N.H., Mauntler, N., Schmitz, T., and Sawyer, W.G., 2009, Analysis of Planar Multibody Systems with Revolute Joint Wear, Wear, 268/5-6: 643-652,

Mukras, S., Kim, N.H., Mauntler, N., Schmitz, T., and Sawyer, W.G., 2009, Modeling a Slider-Crank Mechanism with Joint Wear, SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars – Mechanical Systems, 2/1: 600-612.

Schmitz, T., Chu, D., and Kim, H.S., 2009, First and Second Order Periodic Error Measurement for Non-constant Velocity Motions, Precision Engineering, 33: 353-361,

Zapata, R., Schmitz, T., Traverso, M., and Abbas, A., 2009, Value of Information and Experimentation in Milling Profit Optimization, International Journal of Mechatronics and Manufacturing Systems, 2/5-6: 580-599.

Abbas, A., Yang, L., Zapata, R., and Schmitz, T., 2009, Application of Decision Analysis to Milling Profit Maximisation: An Introduction, International Journal of Materials and Product Technology, 35/1-2: 64-88.

Kurdi, M., Schmitz, T., Haftka, R., Mann, B., 2009, Milling Optimization of Removal Rate and Accuracy with Uncertainty – Part 1: Parameter Selection, International Journal of Materials and Product Technology, 35/1-2: 3-25.

Kurdi, M., Schmitz, T., Haftka, R., Mann, B., 2009, Milling Optimization of Removal Rate and Accuracy with Uncertainty – Part 2: Parameter Variation, International Journal of Materials and Product Technology, 35/1-2: 22-46.

Bourne, G., Bardt, J., Sawyer, W.G., Ziegert, J., Zeenberg, D., and Schmitz, T., 2009, Closed Channel Fabrication Using Micromolding of Metallic Glass, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 209/10: 4765-4768,

Filiz, S., Cheng, C.-H, Powell, K., Schmitz, T., and Ozdoganlar, O., 2009, An Improved Tool-Holder Model for RCSA Tool-Point Frequency Response Prediction, Precision Engineering, 33: 26–36,